De-Activate Selfishness

Shreyas Narain
3 min readMay 24, 2020

This vast universe is a unity of various living and breathing organisms. Plants, humans, animals, soil and water, out of which, the most prominently active are humans and animals. Why? Because we, have the power to adapt and overcome. Adapting and overcoming are important for survival but the same also hold bold powers to wither us on both sides, the interior and the exterior. The exterior is like water. Like water takes the shape of the vessel it is poured in, similarly your exterior absorbs the beliefs of the world as your own. Now, the interior is like a tree. A tree branches through whatever comes in the way if it is strong and if it isn’t, it branches along with it. Similarly, the interior processes the mundane notions that the exterior absorbed and chooses to either branch through it, questioning its tangibility, or simply settle with it.

When a person chooses to settle with other people’s reality of you, it makes you only a subconscious messenger of the other person’s truth about you. It is not your truth. It isn’t who you are. Nobody in this magnificent universe is born selfish. Selfishness isn’t a self-derived characteristic and neither is it a trait. Rather, it is procured from other individuals who dubs you or sketches himself in that manner.

It is of substance to be your true and conscious self at all times. It is of significance to understand that you were only termed to be selfish. But at the same time it is of immense seriousness to acknowledge that you played the equal contemptible act of accepting it. When you accepted it, you also gave it the power to adapt and practice itself through you. From your thought, it became your reality and from there you became its instrument. And when that motions, you’re no longer holding the leash, you’re on it.

When you give might and brawns to something, you can unequivocally take it back since you are the master. One is only required to let go of the past actions and accept your offences. Accept, that in this very moment, you are no longer who you used to be in the past moment and let go of it. Be sure, you are your past only if you fancy it. The present moment describes and navigates you. If you keep becoming who you were yesterday you will never be able to transform today and so your future shall stand as one of such lingering immorality as well and the circle shall never break for you and you shall never discover the infinite possibilities this universe created for you. A person can only redevelop and transform into who he once was prior to his corruption, when he truly wants to. Trust and self-belief are safe-guarding cannons that demolish all sorts of false notions of this world that are trying to breach in. Love and celebrate every inch of you. Love is the key to recovery of mind and soul. Love, lands you straight to the feasts and saves you from marching to the wars.



Shreyas Narain
Shreyas Narain

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